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Foster Care Adoption in Kansas

There are many ways you can grow your family through adoption. Private domestic and international adoption are two common options for families, but there’s another option you may have overlooked: foster care adoption in Kansas.

Adoption through foster care in Kansas can be a complicated and tricky process. It’s important to understand all of your options before taking the leap and pursuing foster parent adoption in Kansas.

You can keep reading to find out more about foster family adoption in Kansas or call American Adoptions now at 1-800-ADOPTION to start the private domestic adoption process today.

What is Foster Care?

One of the biggest questions parents considering foster care adoption in Kansas have is, “What exactly is foster care?” 

Foster care happens when a birth parent is unable to care for their child due to any number of circumstances.

A child will temporarily be placed in foster care until the parent is able to care for the child again. In some cases, a child will be in foster care for only a few hours, days or weeks. In other cases, children may remain in foster care for years.

The biggest thing to remember with foster care is that the primary goal is reunification with the birth parents: not adoption.

How Does Foster Care Adoption in Kansas Work?

Although foster care is designed to promote reunification with a child’s birth family, foster home adoption in Kansas does happen.

State foster care adoption in Kansas cannot happen until the birth parents’ legal parental rights have been severed. In some cases, the birth parents will have their rights terminated voluntarily so their child can get adopted more quickly. In other cases, a judge may terminate someone’s parental rights.

Once the birth parents’ legal parental rights have been terminated, the child may be eligible for adoption; however, this doesn’t mean that adoption will be an easy process.

 Many children enter the foster care system under traumatic and unexpected circumstances. Additionally, many foster children have brothers and sisters and would like to be adopted together. This can impact their ability to get adopted, as well as their wait time for adoption.

In the state of Kansas, children who are 14 years of age or older must also consent to be adopted.

If you’re considering adoption through foster in Kansas, ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I prepared to wait years for an adoption to take place?
  • Am I willing to provide a loving home to a child even if they return home to their biological parents?
  • Am I comfortable caring for children of all ages?
  • Am I okay with the idea of caring for multiple children at the same time?
  • Am I willing to go through the required foster parenting classes before I’m able to accept a placement of a foster child?

Foster Care VS Private Domestic Adoption

If you’re interested in adopting a group of siblings or you’re considering adopting an older child who needs a loving home, foster care adoption in Kansas could be the right choice for you.

This type of adoption enables you to make a huge difference in the life of a child.

Some adoptive families aren’t comfortable adopting multiple children or don’t have the ability to care for a child who has suffered traumatic experiences.

Other adoptive parents simply prefer adopting a newborn who can quickly bond with them from birth.

If you’ve been considering adoption but you only want to adopt a single child who is preferably a newborn, then you may want to consider private domestic adoption.

Unlike adoption in foster care in Kansas, private domestic adoption agencies generally only work with newborns and children up to age two years old. This can help minimize adoption-related trauma for the child.

Additionally, unlike foster care adoption in Kansas, private domestic adoption agencies tend to work on a faster timeline.

Benefits of Private Domestic Adoption

As you consider your options for family-building and decide whether foster care adoption in Kansas is right for you, it’s important to reflect on the benefits of private domestic adoption.

Here are just a few of the benefits you’ll experience while working with American Adoptions.

  • 24/7 phone support – Our team is available when you need us.
  • Financial protection – Our agency offers financial protection when you choose to pursue adoption with us. This means that even if you experience an adoption disruption, your investment will be protected.
  • Support for birth mothers – Here at American Adoptions, we believe in supporting birth mothers. This is why we offer counseling, guidance and financial assistance for birth mothers considering adoption.
  • Waiting family profiles – We understand just how stressful the adoption process can be, which is why we take steps to help you match with a birth parent. One of the best ways we do this is by helping you create a waiting family profile.
  • Guidance with finalization – Our team knows that adoption doesn’t end just because your child has been placed in your arms. We’ll help you through all of the post-placement processes, including finalization.

If you’d like to reach out and talk with someone about your options for private domestic adoption, call our team anytime at 1-800-ADOPTION.

Here at American Adoptions, we want to help you build the family you’ve been dreaming of, so don’t wait another day. Call now to find out how we can help you.

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