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Coping With Infertility in Kansas

If you’re currently coping with infertility in Kansas, you might be wondering what your next steps are. 

Approximately one in five women are unable to get pregnant after a year of trying, which means that you aren’t alone.

Many couples choose to pursue IVF and infertility treatment options as a way to build their family, but this can be a time-consuming and emotional process.

For some families, becoming parents is more important than experiencing pregnancy firsthand. If that’s you, it might be time to consider adoption as your next option.

If you’ve been dealing with infertility in Kansas and you’d like to talk with someone about deciding to adopt after infertility in Kansas, call 1-800-ADOPTION now to learn more about your options.

Family Building Options: Is Adoption Right For You?

For most couples, the decision to start building a family is an exciting one, but the realization that you are unable to experience pregnancy as you hoped can be incredibly stressful and draining. You may experience a number of different emotions, including:

  • Disappointment
  • Anger
  • Stress
  • Frustration
  • Devastation

Before you consider adoption after infertility in Kansas, it’s important to take the time to truly grieve.

For many couples, the idea of being able to experience pregnancy is something they’ve been hoping for, which means they’ll need some time to accept that family-building may look a little different than they anticipated.

After the grieving process, you’ll be able to consider whether adoption is something that’s right for you at this time.

Adoption is a wonderful and loving choice for everyone involved.

Birth mothers who make the decision to lovingly place their child for adoption will have the unique opportunity to choose a family for their child. They’ll be able to browse hopeful waiting families until they find someone who is the right match for their child.

Adoptive families will have the chance to become moms and dads after facing infertility in Kansas. Families who choose adoption will be able to watch their child grow up and know that this baby is truly loved.

Adoptees who experience open adoption will also have the opportunity to connect with both of their families – birth and adoptive. They’ll be able to grow up understanding why they were placed for adoption. They’ll also be able to get to know their birth parents as they grow up.

If you’re dealing with infertility in Kansas and you’re wondering whether adoption is the right decision for you, ask yourself:

  • Do I want to experience parenting more than I want to experience pregnancy?
  • Am I ready to raise a child and provide them with a safe and loving home?
  • Do I want a way to give back to the adoption community because someone I know was adopted?
  • Am I ready to wait for the right match?
  • Do I want to raise a child with open adoption so they can have the chance to get to know their birth family?

Deciding to Adopt After Infertility in Kansas

The decision to adopt a child is an incredible one. Many families choose to adopt a child after coping with infertility in Kansas.

Adoption looks different for every family because everyone decides to adopt for a different reason.

If you’re deciding to adopt after infertility in Kansas, there are a few things you need to know.

1. Adoption is a Journey

First, keep in mind that adoption is a journey.

No two adoptions look completely alike because each adoptive family is different and unique.

When you prepare to adopt a child, you’ll complete a home study and create a waiting family profile. Your adoption agency will use this to help match you with a birth mother who believes you’ll be the perfect fit for their baby.

2. Adoption Takes Time

Next, remember that adoption can take time, but probably not as long as you expect.

When you choose to work with an agency, such as American Adoptions, you can expect to wait an average of 12 months.

International adoption and foster-to-adopt can take longer; however, if you’re working with an adoption agency, they’ll be able to give you a general time frame as to when you can expect to welcome your child home.

3. Adoption Can Change Your Life

Finally, remember that adoption is a life-changing experience for everyone involved.

You might not have planned on adoption being the way you built your family, but when you look back on your adoption journey, chances are you wouldn’t have it any other way.

Getting Started

You don’t have to deal with infertility in Kansas on your own.

If you’d like to talk with someone about your family-building options in Kansas, start by calling 1-800-ADOPTION now.

Our team here at American Adoptions would love the chance to help as you decide to adopt after infertility in Kansas.

Our team consists of adoptees, adoptive families and even birth mothers who know exactly what challenges and joys you might face with adoption.

Call now to talk with us about how we can help you start your adoption journey – and begin building your family.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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